● Teach English at Pro Linguis
in Thiaumont near Arlon. All ages, excellent pay with room and
board. Some French required.
● Teach English at various language schools
and summer camps in Brussels. Some French required.
● Teaching English at a summer boarding school
near Arlon (Luxembourg). Full time, room and board covered if
teacher helps watch dorms.
● Teaching English in an informal setting in
Brussels to various groups ages 3-18. July-August, full-time,
900-1000 Euro per month.
● Unpaid position in banking for an undergraduate/graduate
business student in European headquarters of Citibank.
● Supermarket positions 1-2 over the summer.
30 hours per week, fair to good knowledge of French required.
● Rest home care for the elderly, many with
Alzheimer's, July-August. Preference for students with medical/nursing
background, full time, French required. Early application.
● Marketing position in Brussels 3-6 months,
low pay. Knowledge of Word and Excel required; Photoshop a plus.
● Serving meals in hotels, 1-3 months in summer,
full time. 750 Euro per month plus meals on working days, French
● Barco www.barco.com
in Kortrijk (NO foreign language required)
Mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, software, hardware,
computer engineering, physics, mathematics.
● Many positions upon request for various levels
of French proficiency. Most white-collar internships will be unpaid
due to a slack economy and employer preference for Belgian college students.
● Teach English at Pro-Linguis Language School in Thiaumont
● Native Chinese speaker wanted to set up and teach course in Mandarin
Chinese at Pro-Linguis
● Retail positions in various cities at Champion Defi Foods
● Several internships available at European Parliament - ask for details
● Technical internships at Barclo in Kortrijk in the fields of computer
engineering, physics, computer science, image processing, and electrical